Ink and Coating Oils

Panama Petrochem Ltd, under the brand name PANOL, provides a wide range of products for heatset, coldset, offset and web base inks of various grades of Petroleum Distillates with controlled aromatics and boiling ranges. Range includes Naphthenic Oils with desired boiling ranges and viscosity, Mineral Oils and Black Ink Oils and Bituminous Varnishes suitable for web base inks. All products and processes comply with international quality standards and norms for the lowest PCA content.

Other products provided includes Petroleum Jelly for better tack, gloss and viscosity controls of inks, products for resin & pant industries with LAWS & Distillates for controlled aromatics .

Product is offered in HDPE Drums / Steel Drums / IBC and bulk Flexi bags or ISO tanks.

*Customised Specifications can be offered on request.


  • Moisturizing

    Acts as an effective moisturizer in personal care products, creating a protective barrier on the skin.

  • Versatile

    Suitable for diverse applications including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food processing, and plastics.

  • Purity

    Highly refined and odorless, making it suitable for various industrial and pharmaceutical applications.

  • Stability

    Chemically stable and non-reactive, ideal for long-term use and storage.

Our Products

Ink and Coating Oils Applications